Verbos irregulares
- En la siguiente lista se incluyen todos los verbos irregulares ingleses. En ella se recoge el infinitivo y el presente (ambos tienen la misma forma, salvo que el infinitivo va precedido de la partícula «to»), así como el pasado simple y el participio.
- En algunos casos, el verbo tiene dos posibles formas en el pasado o en el futuro que aparecen indicadas. En otros casos, el verbo no tiene infinitivo (son algunos verbos modales y en la tabla aparecen sin partícula «to»).
- Estos verbos no siguen una regla determinada, por lo que hay que aprenderlos de memoria. Al ser numerosos, entendemos que lo más práctico es irlos estudiando poco a poco (algunos de ellos apenas se utilizan).
Infinitivo/Presente | Significado | Forma pasada | Participio |
To stand | soportar | stood | stood |
To come up | surgir | came up | come up |
To wake | despertar | woke | woken |
To be | ser / estar | was | been |
To stand | aguantar | stood | stood |
To beat | golpear | beat | beaten |
To become | llegar a ser | became | become |
To happen | ocurrir | happened | happened |
To procreate | procrear | procreated | procreated |
To begin | empezar | began | begun |
To notice | observar | noticed | noticed |
To bend | doblar | bent | bent |
To grieve | estar afligido | grieved | grieved |
To keep asking | preguntar con insistencia | kept asking | kept asking |
To bet | apostar | betted / bet | betted / bet |
To bid | ordenar | bade | bidden |
To bid | pujar | bid | bid |
To bind | atar | bound | bound |
To bite | morder | bit | bitten |
To bleed | sangrar | bled | bled |
To blow | soplar | blew | blown |
To break | romper | broke | broken |
To breed | engendrar | bred | bred |
To bring | traer | brought | brought |
To broadcast | retransmitir | broadcast | broadcast |
To build | construir | built | built |
To burn | quemar | burned / burnt | burned / burnt |
To burst | explotar | burst | burst |
To buy | comprar | bought | bought |
- To stand (soportar)
- Presente: I stand the pain. (Soporto el dolor.)
- Pasado: I stood the pain. (Soporté el dolor.)
- Futuro: I will stand the pain. (Soportaré el dolor.)
- To come up (surgir)
- Presente: A new idea comes up. (Surge una nueva idea.)
- Pasado: A new idea came up. (Surgió una nueva idea.)
- Futuro: A new idea will come up. (Surgirá una nueva idea.)
- To wake (despertar)
- Presente: I wake up early. (Me despierto temprano.)
- Pasado: I woke up early. (Me desperté temprano.)
- Futuro: I will wake up early. (Me despertaré temprano.)
- To be (ser / estar)
- Presente: I am happy. (Estoy feliz.)
- Pasado: I was happy. (Estuve feliz.)
- Futuro: I will be happy. (Estaré feliz.)
- To stand (aguantar)
- Presente: I stand the noise. (Aguanto el ruido.)
- Pasado: I stood the noise. (Aguanté el ruido.)
- Futuro: I will stand the noise. (Aguantaré el ruido.)
- To beat (golpear)
- Presente: He beats the drum. (Él golpea el tambor.)
- Pasado: He beat the drum. (Él golpeó el tambor.)
- Futuro: He will beat the drum. (Él golpeará el tambor.)
- To become (llegar a ser)
- Presente: She becomes a doctor. (Ella llega a ser doctora.)
- Pasado: She became a doctor. (Ella llegó a ser doctora.)
- Futuro: She will become a doctor. (Ella llegará a ser doctora.)
- To happen (ocurrir)
- Presente: Accidents happen. (Los accidentes ocurren.)
- Pasado: An accident happened. (Ocurrió un accidente.)
- Futuro: An accident will happen. (Ocurrirá un accidente.)
- To procreate (procrear)
- Presente: Animals procreate in spring. (Los animales procrean en primavera.)
- Pasado: Animals procreated in spring. (Los animales procrearon en primavera.)
- Futuro: Animals will procreate in spring. (Los animales procrearán en primavera.)
- To begin (empezar)
- Presente: The show begins now. (El espectáculo empieza ahora.)
- Pasado: The show began yesterday. (El espectáculo empezó ayer.)
- Futuro: The show will begin soon. (El espectáculo empezará pronto.)
- To notice (observar)
- Presente: I notice the details. (Observo los detalles.)
- Pasado: I noticed the details. (Observé los detalles.)
- Futuro: I will notice the details. (Observaré los detalles.)
- To bend (doblar)
- Presente: He bends the metal. (Él dobla el metal.)
- Pasado: He bent the metal. (Él dobló el metal.)
- Futuro: He will bend the metal. (Él doblará el metal.)
- To grieve (estar afligido)
- Presente: She grieves her loss. (Ella está afligida por su pérdida.)
- Pasado: She grieved her loss. (Ella estuvo afligida por su pérdida.)
- Futuro: She will grieve her loss. (Ella estará afligida por su pérdida.)
- To keep asking (preguntar con insistencia)
- Presente: He keeps asking questions. (Él sigue preguntando.)
- Pasado: He kept asking questions. (Él siguió preguntando.)
- Futuro: He will keep asking questions. (Él seguirá preguntando.)
- To bet (apostar)
- Presente: I bet on that horse. (Apuesto por ese caballo.)
- Pasado: I bet on that horse. (Aposté por ese caballo.)
- Futuro: I will bet on that horse. (Apostaré por ese caballo.)
- To bid (ordenar)
- Presente: He bids them to leave. (Él les ordena que se vayan.)
- Pasado: He bade them to leave. (Él les ordenó que se fueran.)
- Futuro: He will bid them to leave. (Él les ordenará que se vayan.)
- To bid (pujar)
- Presente: They bid on the painting. (Ellos pujan por la pintura.)
- Pasado: They bid on the painting. (Ellos pujaron por la pintura.)
- Futuro: They will bid on the painting. (Ellos pujarán por la pintura.)
- To bind (atar)
- Presente: He binds the books. (Él ata los libros.)
- Pasado: He bound the books. (Él ató los libros.)
- Futuro: He will bind the books. (Él atará los libros.)
- To bite (morder)
- Presente: The dog bites the toy. (El perro muerde el juguete.)
- Pasado: The dog bit the toy. (El perro mordió el juguete.)
- Futuro: The dog will bite the toy. (El perro morderá el juguete.)
- To bleed (sangrar)
- Presente: He bleeds from his hand. (Él sangra de la mano.)
- Pasado: He bled from his hand. (Él sangró de la mano.)
- Futuro: He will bleed from his hand. (Él sangrará de la mano.)
- To blow (soplar)
- Presente: The wind blows hard. (El viento sopla fuerte.)
- Pasado: The wind blew hard. (El viento sopló fuerte.)
- Futuro: The wind will blow hard. (El viento soplará fuerte.)
- To break (romper)
- Presente: He breaks the glass. (Él rompe el vidrio.)
- Pasado: He broke the glass. (Él rompió el vidrio.)
- Futuro: He will break the glass. (Él romperá el vidrio.)
- To breed (engendrar)
- Presente: They breed horses. (Ellos engendran caballos.)
- Pasado: They bred horses. (Ellos engendraron caballos.)
- Futuro: They will breed horses. (Ellos engendrarán caballos.)
- To bring (traer)
- Presente: She brings the coffee. (Ella trae el café.)
- Pasado: She brought the coffee. (Ella trajo el café.)
- Futuro: She will bring the coffee. (Ella traerá el café.)
- To broadcast (retransmitir)
- Presente: The station broadcasts news. (La estación retransmite noticias.)
- Pasado: The station broadcast news. (La estación retransmitió noticias.)
- Futuro: The station will broadcast news. (La estación retransmitirá noticias.)
- To build (construir)
- Presente: They build houses. (Ellos construyen casas.)
- Pasado: They built houses. (Ellos construyeron casas.)
- Futuro: They will build houses. (Ellos construirán casas.)
- To burn (quemar)
- Presente: The fire burns the wood. (El fuego quema la madera.)
- Pasado: The fire burned the wood. (El fuego quemó la madera.)
- Futuro: The fire will burn the wood. (El fuego quemará la madera.)
- To burst (explotar)
- Presente: The balloon bursts. (El globo explota.)
- Pasado: The balloon burst. (El globo explotó.)
- Futuro: The balloon will burst. (El globo explotará.)
- To buy (comprar)
- Presente: I buy a book. (Compro un libro.)
- Pasado: I bought a book. (Compré un libro.)
- Futuro: I will buy a book. (Compraré un libro.)
Escuchar Verbos II |
Can | poder | could | be able |
To throw away | arrojar / lanzar | threw away | thrown away |
To catch | coger | caught | caught |
To chide | regañar | chid | chidden |
To choose | elegir | chose | chosen |
To cut | cortar / romper | cut | cut |
To cling | agarrarse | clung | clung |
To clothe | vestir | clothed / clad | clothed / clad |
To come | venir | came | come |
To cost | costar | cost | cost |
To creep | deslizarse con sigilo | crept | crept |
To sing | cantar | sang | sung |
To cut | cortar | cut | cut |
To dare | desafiar | dared / durst | dared / durst |
To deal | tratar con | dealt / delt | dealt / delt |
To dig | cavar | dug | dug |
To do | hacer | did | done |
To draw | dibujar | drew | drawn |
To dream | soñar | dreamed / dreamt | dreamed / dreamt |
To drink | beber | drank | drunk |
To drive | conducir | drove | driven |
To live in | habitar | lived in | lived in |
To eat | comer | ate | eaten |
To fall | caer | fell | fallen |
- Can (poder)
Present: I can swim. (Puedo nadar.)
Past: I could swim. (Podía nadar.)
Future: I will be able to swim. (Podré nadar.) - To throw away (arrojar / lanzar)
Present: He throws away the trash. (Él arroja la basura.)
Past: He threw away the trash. (Él arrojó la basura.)
Future: He will throw away the trash. (Él arrojará la basura.) - To catch (coger)
Present: I catch the ball. (Cojo la pelota.)
Past: I caught the ball. (Cogí la pelota.)
Future: I will catch the ball. (Cogeré la pelota.) - To chide (regañar)
Present: She chides the child. (Ella regaña al niño.)
Past: She chid the child. (Ella regañó al niño.)
Future: She will chide the child. (Ella regañará al niño.) - To choose (elegir)
Present: I choose this one. (Elijo este.)
Past: I chose this one. (Elegí este.)
Future: I will choose this one. (Elegiré este.) - To cut (cortar / romper)
Present: He cuts the paper. (Él corta el papel.)
Past: He cut the paper. (Él cortó el papel.)
Future: He will cut the paper. (Él cortará el papel.) - To cling (agarrarse)
Present: The baby clings to its mother. (El bebé se agarra a su madre.)
Past: The baby clung to its mother. (El bebé se agarró a su madre.)
Future: The baby will cling to its mother. (El bebé se agarrará a su madre.) - To clothe (vestir)
Present: She clothes the baby. (Ella viste al bebé.)
Past: She clothed the baby. (Ella vistió al bebé.)
Future: She will clothe the baby. (Ella vestirá al bebé.) - To come (venir)
Present: He comes home. (Él viene a casa.)
Past: He came home. (Él vino a casa.)
Future: He will come home. (Él vendrá a casa.) - To cost (costar)
Present: This costs a lot. (Esto cuesta mucho.)
Past: This cost a lot. (Esto costó mucho.)
Future: This will cost a lot. (Esto costará mucho.) - To creep (deslizarse con sigilo)
Present: The cat creeps quietly. (El gato se desliza sigilosamente.)
Past: The cat crept quietly. (El gato se deslizó sigilosamente.)
Future: The cat will creep quietly. (El gato se deslizará sigilosamente.) - To sing (cantar)
Present: She sings a song. (Ella canta una canción.)
Past: She sang a song. (Ella cantó una canción.)
Future: She will sing a song. (Ella cantará una canción.) - To cut (cortar)
Present: I cut the paper. (Corto el papel.)
Past: I cut the paper. (Corté el papel.)
Future: I will cut the paper. (Cortaré el papel.) - To dare (desafiar)
Present: He dares to speak. (Él desafía a hablar.)
Past: He dared to speak. (Él desafió a hablar.)
Future: He will dare to speak. (Él desafiará a hablar.) - To deal (tratar con)
Present: He deals with problems. (Él trata con problemas.)
Past: He dealt with problems. (Él trató con problemas.)
Future: He will deal with problems. (Él tratará con problemas.) - To dig (cavar)
Present: He digs a hole. (Él cava un agujero.)
Past: He dug a hole. (Él cavó un agujero.)
Future: He will dig a hole. (Él cavará un agujero.) - To do (hacer)
Present: I do my homework. (Hago mi tarea.)
Past: I did my homework. (Hice mi tarea.)
Future: I will do my homework. (Haré mi tarea.) - To draw (dibujar)
Present: She draws a picture. (Ella dibuja una imagen.)
Past: She drew a picture. (Ella dibujó una imagen.)
Future: She will draw a picture. (Ella dibujará una imagen.) - To dream (soñar)
Present: I dream of success. (Sueño con el éxito.)
Past: I dreamed of success. (Soñé con el éxito.)
Future: I will dream of success. (Soñaré con el éxito.) - To drink (beber)
Present: I drink coffee. (Bebo café.)
Past: I drank coffee. (Bebí café.)
Future: I will drink coffee. (Beberé café.) - To drive (conducir)
Present: I drive to work. (Conduzco al trabajo.)
Past: I drove to work. (Conduje al trabajo.)
Future: I will drive to work. (Conduciré al trabajo.) - To live in (habitar)
Present: I live in Lisbon. (Vivo en Lisboa.)
Past: I lived in Lisbon. (Viví en Lisboa.)
Future: I will live in Lisbon. (Viviré en Lisboa.) - To eat (comer)
Present: I eat pizza. (Como pizza.)
Past: I ate pizza. (Comí pizza.)
Future: I will eat pizza. (Comeré pizza.) - To fall (caer)
Present: I fall down. (Me caigo.)
Past: I fell down. (Me caí.)
Future: I will fall down. (Me caeré.)
Escuchar Verbos III |
To feed | alimentar | fed | fed |
To feel | sentir | felt | felt |
To fight | luchar | fought | fought |
To find | encontrar | found | found |
To run away | escapar | ran away | run away |
To fling | arrojar | flung | flung |
To fly | volar | flew | flown |
To stop | desistir | stopped | stopped |
To forbid | prohibir | forbade | forbidden |
To forget | olvidar | forgot | forgotten |
To forgive | perdonar | forgave | forgiven |
To leave | renunciar a algo | left | left |
To freeze | helar(se) | froze | frozen |
To get | coger | got | got |
To make golden | dorar | made golden | made golden |
To fasten | sujetar con cinturón | fastened | fastened |
To give | dar | gave | given |
To go | ir | went | gone |
To grind | moler | ground | ground |
To grow | crecer | grew | grown |
To hang | colgar | hanged / hung | hanged / hung |
To have | haber / tener | had | had |
To hear | oír | heard | heard |
- To feed
I feed the dog.
I fed the dog.
I will feed the dog. - To feel
I feel happy.
I felt happy.
I will feel happy. - To fight
They fight every day.
They fought yesterday.
They will fight tomorrow. - To find
I find my keys.
I found my keys.
I will find my keys. - To run away
I run away from the dog.
I ran away from the dog.
I will run away from the dog. - To fling
He flings the ball.
He flung the ball.
He will fling the ball. - To fly
I fly to London.
I flew to London.
I will fly to London. - To stop
I stop the car.
I stopped the car.
I will stop the car. - To forbid
They forbid smoking.
They forbade smoking.
They will forbid smoking. - To forget
I forget the answer.
I forgot the answer.
I will forget the answer. - To forgive
I forgive you.
I forgave you.
I will forgive you. - To leave
I leave the party.
I left the party.
I will leave the party. - To freeze
I freeze the food.
I froze the food.
I will freeze the food. - To get
I get the book.
I got the book.
I will get the book. - To make golden
I make the bread golden.
I made the bread golden.
I will make the bread golden. - To fasten
I fasten the seatbelt.
I fastened the seatbelt.
I will fasten the seatbelt. - To give
I give him a gift.
I gave him a gift.
I will give him a gift. - To go
I go to the store.
I went to the store.
I will go to the store. - To grind
I grind the coffee.
I ground the coffee.
I will grind the coffee. - To grow
The flowers grow.
The flowers grew.
The flowers will grow. - To hang
I hang the picture.
I hanged the picture.
I will hang the picture. - To have
I have a car.
I had a car.
I will have a car. - To hear
I hear the music.
I heard the music.
I will hear the music.
Escuchar Verbos IV |
To hide | esconder | hid | hidden |
To hit | golpear | hit | hit |
To hold | sostener | held | held |
To hurt | herir | hurt | hurt |
To keep | mantener | kept | kept |
To kneel | arrodillarse | knelt | knelt |
To knit | tejer | knit | knit |
To know | saber | knew | known |
To lay | colocar | laid | laid |
To lead | guiar | led | led |
To lean | inclinar | leaned / leant | leaned / leant |
To leap | brincar | leaped / leapt | leaped / leapt |
To learn | aprender | learned / learnt | learned / learnt |
To leave | dejar | left | left |
To lend | prestar | lent | lent |
To let | permitir | let | let |
To lie | echarse | lay | lain |
To light | encender | lit | lit |
To lose | perder | lost | lost |
To make | hacer | made | made |
May | poder | might | —- |
To mean | significar | meant / ment | meant / ment |
To meet | encontrar(se) | met | met |
- To hide
I hide the keys.
I hid the keys.
I will hide the keys. - To hit
I hit the ball.
I hit the ball.
I will hit the ball. - To hold
I hold the cup.
I held the cup.
I will hold the cup. - To hurt
I hurt my leg.
I hurt my leg.
I will hurt my leg. - To keep
I keep my promises.
I kept my promises.
I will keep my promises. - To kneel
I kneel to pray.
I knelt to pray.
I will kneel to pray. - To knit
She knits a sweater.
She knit a sweater.
She will knit a sweater. - To know
I know the answer.
I knew the answer.
I will know the answer. - To lay
I lay the book on the table.
I laid the book on the table.
I will lay the book on the table. - To lead
I lead the team.
I led the team.
I will lead the team. - To lean
I lean against the wall.
I leaned against the wall.
I will lean against the wall. - To leap
I leap over the fence.
I leaped over the fence.
I will leap over the fence. - To learn
I learn English.
I learned English.
I will learn English. - To leave
I leave the house.
I left the house.
I will leave the house. - To lend
I lend you my book.
I lent you my book.
I will lend you my book. - To let
I let him go.
I let him go.
I will let him go. - To lie
I lie on the bed.
I lay on the bed.
I will lie on the bed. - To light
I light the candle.
I lit the candle.
I will light the candle. - To lose
I lose my keys.
I lost my keys.
I will lose my keys. - To make
I make a cake.
I made a cake.
I will make a cake. - May
I may go to the party.
I might go to the party. - To mean
I mean what I say.
I meant what I said.
I will mean what I say. - To meet
I meet my friend.
I met my friend.
I will meet my friend.
Escuchar Verbos V |
To mow | segar | mowed | mowed / mown |
Must | deber | had to | —- |
Ought | deber | —- | —- |
To pay | pagar | paid | paid |
To put | poner | put | put |
To read | leer | read / red | read / red |
To rent | alquilar | rented | rented |
To rid | eliminar | rid | rid |
To ride | montar (a caballo) | rode | ridden |
To ring | sonar | rang | rung |
To rise | subir | rose | risen |
To run | correr | ran | run |
To saw | serrar | sawed | sawed / sawn |
To say | decir | said | said |
To see | ver | saw | seen |
To seek | buscar | sought | sought |
To sell | vender | sold | sold |
To send | enviar | sent | sent |
To set | poner | set | set |
To sew | coser | sewed | sewed / sewn |
To shake | agitar | shook | shaken |
Shall | (auxiliar futuro) | —- | —- |
To shear | esquilar | sheared / shore | sheared / shorn |
To shed | perder (hojas) | shed | shed |
To shine | brillar | shone | shone |
To shoe | herrar | shoed / shod | shoed / shod |
To shoot | disparar | shot | shot |
To show | mostrar | showed | showed / shown |
To shrink | encoger | shrank | shrunk |
To shut | cerrar | shut | shut |
To sing | cantar | sang | sung |
To sink | hundir | sank | sunk |
To sit | sentarse | sat | sat |
To slay | matar | slew | slain |
To sleep | dormir | slept | slept |
To slide | resbalar | slid | slid |
To sling | lanzar (con fuerza) | slung | slung |
To sneak | deslizarse con sigilo | snuck | snuck |
To slit | cortar | slit | slit |
To smell | oler | smelled / smelt | smelled / smelt |
To hit | golpear | hit | hit |
To sow | sembrar | sowed | sowed / sown |
- To mow
I mow the lawn.
I mowed the lawn.
I will mow the lawn. - Must
I must go.
I had to go. - Ought
I ought to study. - To pay
I pay the bill.
I paid the bill.
I will pay the bill. - To put
I put the book on the table.
I put the book on the table.
I will put the book on the table. - To read
I read a book.
I read a book.
I will read a book. - To rent
I rent an apartment.
I rented an apartment.
I will rent an apartment. - To rid
I rid the house of dust.
I rid the house of dust.
I will rid the house of dust. - To ride
I ride a bike.
I rode a bike.
I will ride a bike. - To ring
I ring the bell.
I rang the bell.
I will ring the bell. - To rise
I rise early.
I rose early.
I will rise early. - To run
I run every morning.
I ran every morning.
I will run every morning. - To saw
I saw the wood.
I sawed the wood.
I will saw the wood. - To say
I say hello.
I said hello.
I will say hello. - To see
I see a movie.
I saw a movie.
I will see a movie. - To seek
I seek advice.
I sought advice.
I will seek advice. - To sell
I sell books.
I sold books.
I will sell books. - To send
I send a letter.
I sent a letter.
I will send a letter. - To set
I set the alarm.
I set the alarm.
I will set the alarm. - To sew
I sew a dress.
I sewed a dress.
I will sew a dress. - To shake
I shake the bottle.
I shook the bottle.
I will shake the bottle. - Shall
I shall go. - To shear
I shear the sheep.
I sheared the sheep.
I will shear the sheep. - To shed
I shed my coat.
I shed my coat.
I will shed my coat. - To shine
I shine my shoes.
I shone my shoes.
I will shine my shoes. - To shoe
I shoe the horse.
I shoed the horse.
I will shoe the horse. - To shoot
I shoot the ball.
I shot the ball.
I will shoot the ball. - To show
I show my work.
I showed my work.
I will show my work. - To shrink
I shrink the shirt.
I shrank the shirt.
I will shrink the shirt. - To shut
I shut the door.
I shut the door.
I will shut the door. - To sing
I sing a song.
I sang a song.
I will sing a song. - To sink
I sink the boat.
I sank the boat.
I will sink the boat. - To sit
I sit on the chair.
I sat on the chair.
I will sit on the chair. - To slay
I slay the dragon.
I slew the dragon.
I will slay the dragon. - To sleep
I sleep at night.
I slept at night.
I will sleep at night. - To slide
I slide down the hill.
I slid down the hill.
I will slide down the hill. - To sling
I sling the bag.
I slung the bag.
I will sling the bag. - To sneak
I sneak into the room.
I snuck into the room.
I will sneak into the room. - To slit
I slit the envelope.
I slit the envelope.
I will slit the envelope. - To smell
I smell flowers.
I smelled flowers.
I will smell flowers. - To hit
I hit the target.
I hit the target.
I will hit the target. - To sow
I sow seeds.
I sowed seeds.
I will sow seeds.
Escuchar Verbos VI |
To speak | hablar | spoke | spoken |
To speed | acelerar | speeded / sped | speeded / sped |
To spell | deletrear | spelled / spelt | spelled / spelt |
To spend | gastar | spent | spent |
To spill | derramar | spilled / spilt | spilled / spilt |
To spin | dar vueltas | spun | spun |
To spit | escupir | spat | spat |
To split | dividir | split | split |
To spread | extender | spread | spread |
To spring | saltar | sprang | sprung |
To stand | levantarse | stood | stood |
To steal | robar | stole | stolen |
To stick | hincar | stuck | stuck |
To sting | picar | stung | stung |
To stink | oler mal | stank / stunk | stunk |
To strew | diseminar | strewed | strewed / strewn |
To stride | andar a zancadas | strode | stridden |
To strike | golpear | struck | struck |
To string | colgar algo | strung | strung |
To strive | esforzarse | strove | striven |
To swear | jurar | swore | sworn |
To sweep | barrer | swept | swept |
To swell | hinchar | swelled | swelled / swollen |
To swim | nadar | swam | swum |
To swing | balancearse | swung | swung |
To take | coger | took | taken |
To teach | enseñar | taught | taught |
To tear | rasgar | tore | torn |
To tell | decir | told | told |
To think | pensar | thought | thought |
To thrive | prosperar | thrived / throve | thrived / thriven |
To throw | tirar | threw | thrown |
To thrust | lanzar adelante | thrust | thrust |
To speak
I speak English.
I spoke English.
I will speak English.
To speed
I speed on the highway.
I sped on the highway.
I will speed on the highway.
To spell
I spell the word.
I spelled the word.
I will spell the word.
To spend
I spend money.
I spent money.
I will spend money.
To spill
I spill the milk.
I spilled the milk.
I will spill the milk.
To spin
I spin the wheel.
I spun the wheel.
I will spin the wheel.
To spit
I spit the gum out.
I spat the gum out.
I will spit the gum out.
To split
I split the bill.
I split the bill.
I will split the bill.
To spread
I spread the butter.
I spread the butter.
I will spread the butter.
To spring
I spring into action.
I sprang into action.
I will spring into action.
To stand
I stand up.
I stood up.
I will stand up.
To steal
I steal the money.
I stole the money.
I will steal the money.
To stick
I stick the note to the fridge.
I stuck the note to the fridge.
I will stick the note to the fridge.
To sting
The bee stings me.
The bee stung me.
The bee will sting me.
To stink
The garbage stinks.
The garbage stank.
The garbage will stink.
To strew
I strew the flowers.
I strewed the flowers.
I will strew the flowers.
To stride
I stride across the room.
I strode across the room.
I will stride across the room.
To strike
I strike the ball.
I struck the ball.
I will strike the ball.
To string
I string the beads.
I strung the beads.
I will string the beads.
To strive
I strive for success.
I strove for success.
I will strive for success.
To swear
I swear to tell the truth.
I swore to tell the truth.
I will swear to tell the truth.
To sweep
I sweep the floor.
I swept the floor.
I will sweep the floor.
To swell
My ankle swells.
My ankle swelled.
My ankle will swell.
To swim
I swim in the pool.
I swam in the pool.
I will swim in the pool.
To swing
I swing on the swing.
I swung on the swing.
I will swing on the swing.
To take
I take a picture.
I took a picture.
I will take a picture.
To teach
I teach English.
I taught English.
I will teach English.
To tear
I tear the paper.
I tore the paper.
I will tear the paper.
To tell
I tell a story.
I told a story.
I will tell a story.
To think
I think about the future.
I thought about the future.
I will think about the future.
To thrive
I thrive in my job.
I thrived in my job.
I will thrive in my job.
To throw
I throw the ball.
I threw the ball.
I will throw the ball.
To thrust
I thrust the sword forward.
I thrust the sword forward.
I will thrust the sword forward.
Escuchar Verbos VII |
To tread | pisar | trod | trodden / trod |
To understand | comprender | understood | understood |
To undertake | acometer | undertook | undertaken |
To wake | despertarse | waked / woke | waked / woken |
To wear | usar | wore | worn |
To weave | tejer | wove | woven |
To weep | llorar | wept | wept |
To wet | mojar | wetted / wet | wetted / wet |
Will | (auxiliar futuro) | would | —- |
To win | ganar | won | won |
To wind | dar cuerda | wound | wound |
To wring | retorcer | wrung | wrung |
To write | escribir | wrote | written |
To tread
I tread on the grass.
I trod on the grass.
I will tread on the grass.
To understand
I understand the lesson.
I understood the lesson.
I will understand the lesson.
To undertake
I undertake a new project.
I undertook a new project.
I will undertake a new project.
To wake
I wake up early.
I woke up early.
I will wake up early.
To wear
I wear a jacket.
I wore a jacket.
I will wear a jacket.
To weave
I weave a basket.
I wove a basket.
I will weave a basket.
To weep
I weep for joy.
I wept for joy.
I will weep for joy.
To wet
I wet my hands.
I wet my hands.
I will wet my hands.
I will travel tomorrow.
I would travel if I had money.
To win
I win the game.
I won the game.
I will win the game.
To wind
I wind the clock.
I wound the clock.
I will wind the clock.
To wring
I wring the towel.
I wrung the towel.
I will wring the towel.
To write
I write a letter.
I wrote a letter.
I will write a letter.